Tag Archive for: Fire Theft Project

Musician Damian Kulash Redefines Creativity with ‘The Fire Theft Project’—New Issue Out Now
The ninth issue of Seed Strategy’s The Fire Theft Project:…

Seed Promotes Angela Jones to Creative Director
Continuing its long history of growing industry leaders, Seed…

Professor Blastoff Talks Science of Creativity with Seed’s ‘The Fire Theft Project’—Available Now at Apple App Store
The sixth issue of Seed Strategy’s The Fire Theft Project:…

SPARKS Creative Inspiration from Vanessa Bayer
We recently spoke with Saturday Night Live actress and comedian…

SPARKS Creative inspiration from Wayne Coyne
We recently spoke with the Flaming Lips' wildly prolific front…

SPARKS Creative inspiration from Fred Armisen
We recently spoke with Portlandia star and co-creator Fred Armisen…