where clarity grows.

Matt Donahue

Learn to see difficulties as challenges, then enjoy overcoming them.

Matt Donahue

Creative Director

Some compare writing to being a chef. For the sake of this analogy, we 100% agree. Which brings us to Matt. With the creative flair for boiling down disparate ingredients and complex ideas into concise, effective language that has just the right amount of spice, Matt revels in the challenge of cooking up perfectly simmered—and marketable—language that leaves his audience heartily content. Getting hungry yet?

Especially good at:
Creative writing. Ever the creative type (but not the artsy-fartsy type), he’s a natural storyteller—whether the story is true or imagined.

Favorite part of the work:
When something that didn’t exist before, now exists because of the work we’ve done—and makes an impact that people appreciate, understand and feel. At the end of the day, every creative soul yearns to be heard, regardless of the medium.

Alter ego:
A “Choose Your Own Adventure” Novel. “I’m always finding my own way, often going off the map into the less-traveled hinterlands of ideas, ingenuity and innovation. Sometimes you find what you’re looking for. Sometimes you find stuff you didn’t know you were looking for. Either way, if you keep your eyes, ears and your mind open… the journey always leads somewhere worthwhile.”

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