Repositioning a Premium Baby Formula to Regain Category Leadership Around the World.
Help a leading manufacturer of baby formula regain leadership with a premium offering for infants with a severe allergy.
Negotiate the emotional divide between moms who saw the allergy as “a nightmare” and HCPs who had a more measured response to
reported symptoms—all while navigating the unique socioeconomic factors impacting the different countries.
Uncover relevant insights and behavioral dynamics influencing moms and healthcare providers.
Meaningfully position a breakthrough solution with one message relevant to two distinct audiences.
Clearly and compellingly communicate the product’s functional points of difference.
Seed’s work ultimately helped shift the client team’s perspective on the brand positioning and on-pack communication, compelling them to move beyond a sole focus on immediate symptom resolution to also include longer-term benefits. This shift not only helped the brand reclaim global category leadership, but also widened the lens for future, more compelling communication to both moms and HCPs.