Developing a Brand Positioning and Menu Vision to Unlock Growth Among New and Existing Customers.

Help a large, quick-service restaurant chain spark growth by developing a new brand positioning and vision to guide menu optimizations and new product development.

Enhance the customer experience by creating an optimized menu that is simpler, easier to navigate and has more of the kinds of items fans of the chain love.


  • Conduct a Landscape Assessment and stakeholder interviews to engage key players and gain a deep understanding of the company, category, trends, competition and consumer.

  • Develop a range of brand positioning territories and then leverage consumer input obtained via an online Insights Hive to build a brand positioning statement with differentiated and compelling functional and emotional benefits.

  • Develop Menu Innovation Platforms and use them in a Greenhouse Ideation Session among the key corporate and franchisee stakeholders to generate ideas on menu structures, items to add and items to streamline.

  • Leverage the outputs of the ideation as key inputs for a Menu Choice Optimization Study to estimate the sales and traffic impact of menu changes and establish guiding principles of the Menu Vision.

Seed developed a new positioning that consumers found more relevant and aligned to the brand. Our client launched a successful new ad campaign based on the positioning and used the menu vision to build a 5-year action plan for product development, evolution and sun-setting. This work has led to 4+ years of consistent growth.

Strategic innovation and marketing communications services – a distinctive way of creating new product positions + brand communications
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